quattro digest, Vol 1 #2560 - 23 msgs

Roger Mounsey roger-mounsey at webtv.net
Sun Dec 9 07:31:11 EST 2001

Does anyone know  the purpose of the CO tap tube  (one that enters the
header between the 2 into 1 junction  and the cat)?
Also, sorry for the last disrupted message - my laptop (Max the beagle)
tried to occupy the same space as my other laptop. As I was saying, the
list has been extremely helpful except for maintaining the equivalent of
a Hack's quattro center on the list of mechaniics  in the NY area. I
suppose that, especially  since Mark (Chang)  just mentioned his
feelings about negative experience with marketplace, I should mention
Bruno's Quattro Center as a shop to avoid.  Hopefully, this will offset
the 1 rec that got this shop on the list  in the first place (and he'll
be taken off).  Regards, Roger.

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