ECU disconnected?

bludodger at bludodger at
Tue Dec 11 17:17:02 EST 2001

I have been told (by PO) that the ECU was
disconnected by a tech. early in its life (some annoying
electrical miscommunication-go figure). Believe it or
not, I think
it was an audi tech. that did this. How do you think the
tech. would have disconnected the unit?- would just
pulling the relay do it? Do you think it is even worth
trying to get the ECU up and running? Have you ever
heard of similar situation with the ECU being
deactivated? I am pretty sure something is quirky with
the ECU---for instance the car does not run through the
autocheck blinking of all the different warning signs
when first turned just reads OK. Funny enough,
the temp and oil autocheck do work though when there is
a "real problem" with the car. Does this make sense?
'88 80q--175,000mi.
> bludodger at wrote:
> >
> > I am trying to solve my rough idle problems and have a
> > few questions. There is a distinct clicking (sounds
> > electrical) coming from what seems like the throttle
> > body when the car is at idle. It happens intermittently
> > and is quite clear (although I can't see the part that
> > is causing it). Is this a normal occurrence? Could the
> > clicking lead me to the solution?
> nah, that's the carbon canister frequency valve working properly.
> > I have cleaned the ISV and this has not helped my
> > problem. My next steps are replacing the temp. sender
> > and the O2 sensor. A quick question about the O2
> > sensor...will I be splicing the new one at the Cat. end
> > of the line or at the engine connection end? I am
> > planning to use the Mustang V8 O2 sensor. Anything else
> > I should know about the Sensor replacement procedure?
> you're gonna hate it.  as far as splicing, do it out of the car.  remove
> old sensor.  unplug it.  bring inside.  splice new sensor on, making the
> wires maybe slightly longer when you are done.  return to car, install
> and plug it back in.
> > How likely is the temp. sender the culprit?
> it could be... have you checked the cap/rotor/plugs condition?
> --
> Huw Powell

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