Cunning Plans

Michael L. Riebs michael at
Wed Dec 12 20:18:17 EST 2001

> hmmm... good point... in fact that's more cunning than the plan I had...
> have to work on that one...

Yeah, I like that one too!

> It's s'posed to be summer, but it keeps raining...
> :-(

Here in Michigan, it's s'posed to be winter, but the sun keeps shining.
Still in the 60's last week, and today a high of 50. Oh, well, if you don't
like the weather in Michigan, wait 5 minutes...

I didn't read the list rules thoroughly enough to know if a bit of humor is
acceptable, so here goes. Let's hope it doesn't start a long string. If it
does, please forgive me...:

You may be from Michigan, if..

You define summer as three months of bad sledding.
Owning a Japanese car was a hanging offense in your town.
You believe "down south" refers to Toledo.
You drive 80 on the highway, and always pass on the right.
Your kids little league baseball game has been snowed out.
You have ever experienced frostbite and sunburn in the same week.
You know that Kalamazoo not only actually exists, but that it is not too far
from Hell.
Your favorite holidays are Thanks giving, Christmas, and the opening day of
deer season.
Your year has two seasons - Winter & Construction.
You point to the palm of your right hand when explaining to people where you
grew up.

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