Non-obvious technique - seat heater repair

Robert Myers robert at
Thu Dec 13 08:37:00 EST 2001

Hi Y'all,

Last winter the driver's seat heater element went south in my '95
S6.  Well, what with construction of a new home and all that stuff I'm just
now finding time to attempt a repair.  I finally found a pair of hog ring
pliers at a local hardware store so I'm ready to start the repair job.

The helpful instructions start with "remove the seat from the
car".  Ok.  That's great.  Sounds easy.  Remove caps from back of rails and
the seat just slides out.  Right.  Well, perhaps with manually operated
seats but not, apparently, with power seats.  I feel like some sort of
dummy but what's the trick?  BTW, I still haven't found the Bentley
information.  I continue to look for it but...

  Robert L. Myers   304-574-2372
  Rt. 4, Box 57,  Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA   WV tag Q SHIP
  '95 urS6  Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen    ICQ 22170244

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