Subject: radiator fan howling
Christopher Ritchie
critchie1 at
Thu Dec 13 22:02:00 EST 2001
the intermittent howling coming from my 89 90q has been
narrowed do=3D
wn to the radiator fan. Is it safe for me to spray some silicon
grease int=3D
o the fan motor to see if this eliminates the problem?
I don't know about silicon grease. I've used WD40, but that probably is no=
right either.
Is this fan fused? If not, you have a dangerous situation. A howling fan
means it about to seize. When it does, if it's not fused, it could start a
fire. It will certainly burn up the wiring harness. The radiator fans on
1988 and earlier 5000s were not fused. The retrofit is to add the fusible
link from 1989s.
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