(no subject)

Dan Dwyer dandwyer at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 13 21:23:18 EST 2001


I have a '89 200 TQ Wagon.  I am fairly displeased with its snow handling a=
compared to the older badged 5000QTs that I've driven before and my old '85

My car wants very badly to understeer me right into a ditch when I go into =
corner with any speed.  At first I thought it was because of the
differential unlocking above 10mph so I disconnected the speed sensor to
allow it to remain locked.  That only aggrivated the problem.  So I am
wondering if my problem is from a difference in the center diff.

Can anybody shed light on the center diffs of my car's vintage.  For exampl=
is it open or limited slip?  Can I retrofit a locker easily to the center
diff? Does it bias power to the front greatly?  Is it correct to assume tha=
this is even my problem??  Is it viscous or torsen?? etc...

Thanks in advance,

Dan Dwyer
'89 200TQ Avant

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