Understeer in snow

Mihnea Cotet mik at info.fundp.ac.be
Fri Dec 14 23:16:20 EST 2001

At 10:52 15/12/2001 +1300, Dave Eaton wrote:
>yeah, and both my (torsen) cars.
>'95 rs2
>'90 ur-q
>-----Original Message-----
>Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2001 19:39:49 +0100
>Subject: Re: Understeer in snow
>The point is that with a non-torsen quattro you can make it oversteer by
>downshifting from 4th to 2nd at 60-80 miles and like 30 feet before the
>turn then hit the gas pedal, this will cause the rear wheels to break loose
>and oversteer!!! This produces a biiiig smile!!!!
>Usual disclaimers apply, don't try this at home, only on gravel for the
>first time, etc...:-))))) And if you hit something, don't blame me, it
>works with me...

Well, from what I've heard, the torsen cars do it too but the oversteer is
less controllable than on a car with an open center diff..


'85 -OOOO- Coupe quattro


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