Detecting brake line wear?

james accordino ssgacc at
Fri Dec 14 17:45:56 EST 2001

OE hoses were about $10 and brake cables about $20.  I
replaced mine just for the same reasons you quoted.  I
figured it was about time.

Jim Accordino

--- Robert Deis <rdeis at> wrote:
> Now that the suspension is completely torn apart,
> I'm looking over the
> brakes and CV joints.
> One of the boots has split, but I hadn't noticed any
> noise or anything
> while driving, so maybe the joint isn't damaged yet?
>  (Hope so..)  I think
> I'm just going to replace the boots all around and
> repack them with
> grease.
> Also, I noticed some surface cracks in the brake
> line rubber on all 4
> wheels- how worried about that should I be?  Are
> these things dangerous
> now and in need of immediate replacement?
> Lastly, is there a trick to disconnecting the
> e-brake cables on the rear
> calipers? Neither caliper will let go of the rotor,
> but I think it's just
> because the cables are hooked...  There are signs of
> rust in the cable
> housings, but I hadn't noticed and degredation in
> e-brake operation yet.
> I suppose I should replace those, too.

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