1982 Audi 5Ks

Tom Ferretti TomFer at uplink.net
Sat Dec 15 00:26:26 EST 2001

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Help, !!!
I just recently purchased a 1982 Audi 5Ks.  The car had sat for several yea=
rs without the benefit of being started.  When I got the car home I changed=
 all the fluids, drained the gas tank, new plugs, wires, cap and so on.  Th=
e car ran great.....for 5 hours.  I parked it back in the garage, the next =
morning I couldn't get it to fire.  Once I did, I had to keep feathering th=
e gas to keep it running.  Still it ran very rough.  It was suggested that =
I cleaned the injectors with a heavy dose of cleaner...did that.  Still I c=
an't keep the car running.  I am not at all familiar with this car.  It see=
ms to be flooding itself out, getting too much gas.  I ordered a Bentley ma=
nual, 8 days till arrival.  If anyone could give me any suggestions or reco=
mmendations I would be very grateful.  I did find a Haynes manual, not very=
 comprehensive, nor detailed in where the actual components are located.  D=
efinitely no vacuum diagrams, Help, I am lost !!!!!!
Tom Ferretti
tomfer at uplink.net

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