How to oversteer WAS: Understeer in snow

Rave Racer Ravewar at
Sat Dec 15 21:11:37 EST 2001

    This should be a message to us all to resist the urge to "Rally".  I on
the other hand feel that this is the only way to learn how to avoid
situations when they surprise you.  If you feel the need to practice be sure
to do it in a clear area where you or other innocents won't be hurt.  Public
roads can cost you more then your life savings.
    Concerned Rally enthusiast.

       Rave Racer
'89 Jetta 1.8L 16V GTX
'87 Audi 4000 Quattro Sedan
'72 Triumph GT6
'83 Toyota Tercel (yoda)     Possible future Sandrail donor...  Maybe
----- Original Message -----
From: Alexander van Gerbig <Audi_80 at>
To: Rave Racer <Ravewar at>; Brad Wilson <dotnetguy at>; Audi
Quattro <quattro at>
Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2001 8:26 PM
Subject: Re: How to oversteer WAS: Understeer in snow

    I was having plenty of luck last night with oversteering in the 90q20v,
until I dinked into a parked car.  Since this was my first romp in the snow
with the 90q20v I was being very gentle at first.  I could barely get it
sideways, but once I got a feel for what it took I was pleasantly surprised
that it was very easy to throttle modulate the rear end, though it did have
a tendency to correct itself straight.  Above 45mph the rear end really
wanted to track straight unless I pushed really hard in a corner.  I had
lots of fun in a parking lot swinging around side to side and spinning
around.  I think my days of going this nuts are over.  I'll be a lot broker
and a fair amount more reserved in the 90.  I'm not sure why I ended up
hitting that other car, but it seems just as if I lost control and then put
both feet down to stop the car, then I lost all control and blamo.  Bad dry
weather habit I guess, should have totally tried to steer out of it, but I
think it was inevitable and at least I scrubbed some of the speed.  I did
have the ABS off for most of the ride, but I was on the way home and decided
to put it back on.  I am thinking if I didn't have it I would have been
better off, at least slowed down more.  Oh well it was an expensive


Alexander van Gerbig -- '90 90q20v -- '88 80t (R.I.P)

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