Diagnosing cold start injector in Coupe GT

RJA konecc at snet.net
Sun Dec 16 09:27:50 EST 2001

Pulled the glovebox this morning to see if I could locate the hot start
pulse relay near the ECU, even though the Bently pictures do not show it
there.  Next to the two relays shown in the book is a third relay socket
(not shown in the book) with the right color wires for the hot start pulse
relay and.... no relay!  I suspect it fell out and is nowhere to be found,
but it certainly explains the problem.  Anyone have one of these kicking
around?  Audi part number is 813 906 064.

>I am trying to diagnose why the cold start injector is not working in my
'83 Coupe GT.  Seems the
>thermotime switch works OK (tried a new one just in case) and injector
itself sprays OK.  Appears
>that the thermotime switch is not being grounded while the engine is
cranking, suggesting that the >hot start pulse relay is not closing, which
would ground the thermotime switch and close the
>circuit.  The relay also pulses the cold start injector after the initial
on period during a cold

>Problem is, I can't locate the relay anywhere in the car.  Bentley shows
wiring diagram for '81 and >'82 Coupe (but not '83), looks like not all the
4000's have the pulse relay installed.  The photo
>of the relay in Bentley is for a different fuse box layout, doesn't match
mine.  I've checked all
>the relays in the fuse box and the ones under the driver's side dash, it
doesn't appear to be any
>of them from what I can tell...  can anyone help?  Perhaps the service
manual for the later CGT's
>would have more info?

-- Rich
   '83 Coupe GT
   '90 200q

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