Exhaust manifolds, MC1/MC2/KH/UR-Q
Martin Pajak
martin at quattro.ca
Sun Dec 16 20:27:57 EST 2001
I am still trying to find out which cars came with this uncrackable
It's the one on the bottom.
It is missing the part that usually cracks.
It's been on my car for a year now.
I need to find another one for my '85, that is unless I go EFI and header...
Martin Pajak
1983 Audi Ur-quattro (262,000 km) for sale : (
1985 Audi Ur-quattro (141,000 km) Euro spec. import ;o)
1986 Audi 4000 S Quattro (442,000 km) with 5 bolt pattern
> -----Original Message-----
> From: quattro-admin at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-admin at audifans.com]On
> Behalf Of Jim Green
> Sent: December 16, 2001 4:22 PM
> To: Michael Gough; quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: Re: Exhaust manifolds, MC1/MC2/KH/UR-Q
> --- Michael Gough <mdg3369 at mac.com> wrote:
> > Hello list,
> > I followed the manifold discussion a wile back, but
> > I didn't notice any
> > mention of this. Are the MC1 KH and ur-q exhaust
> > manifolds all relatively
> > the same? I know the MC2 is the 2 piece, but is
> > there any difference between
> > the ur-q manifolds, the KH manifolds and the MC1
> > manifolds? Just wondering
> > if all of the 10v exhaust manifolds flow about the
> > same.
> > Thanks a lot
> > Mike
> I've been learning about this a little. I guess the
> only car that actually came with the two piece, which
> is supposed to flow the best, was the '91 200 fwd.
> Any others that might have them were lucky enough to
> get in on a factory recall or something. Basically,
> if your trying to find a two-piece in a junkyard, it's
> going to be very hard. I think all the others are
> real similar.
> =====
> Jim Green
> '89 90tq EFI
> http://www.geocities.com/jeg1976/car_home.html
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