Found problem to no spark (little spark)

Marc Swanson marcswanson at
Sun Dec 16 22:01:00 EST 2001

> Well I knew I missed something.
> I thought about all the tests mentioned
> I was even sure I completed all the tests mentioned.
> But After finding connectors and building a functional ign system on the
> foor of the garage (heated) I tried to install the system in the car (less
> distributor) and got little spark.

Hmm, good job David, that's a great debug technique for such a pesky problem!

> Tried disconecting the tach, fuel pump,
> upshift light feed and I got good spark. The problem then quickly was
> diagnosed to a bad FUEL PUMP RELAY!
> I am a little disapointed in myself that I did not find this earlier, but
> prowd that I did find it!

That's a new one for me.  Never heard of a bad FPR having an effect on the
strength of the spark!  Glad to hear your car is once again breathing fire :-)

87 4ktq
88 90q

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