Speaking of tach not working...

Larry C Leung l.leung at juno.com
Sun Dec 16 18:54:38 EST 2001

reminds me of the tach on my old Saab 99 (long gone)....

Try cleaning all behind the dash connections, use something like
Stabilant or DeOxit on the contacts. Also check IC grounds.



On Sun, 16 Dec 2001 15:19:14 -0800 Bob <mx at snet.net> writes:
>.... the tach on my 85 4000Q doesnt want to be so cooperative. Turn
>the key, it reads about 1200rpm (engine not running) Start the engine
>and it goes up a little and stays there.  Engine rpm have NOTHING to
>with what that gauge does. To add to the confusion, every once in a
>while it works just fine!
>I took the gauge cluster out, cleaned every connection, replaced the
>dead bulbs, put it back together, no change.  I thought I recall phil
>mentioning something about this about a hundred years ago, but I
>find it anywhere...

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