looking for driving light reccomendation...

Brett Dikeman brett at cloud9.net
Mon Dec 17 21:18:27 EST 2001

At 12:20 PM -0800 12/13/01, jim rose wrote:
>anybody have/use a good driving light they can reccomend that i can use w/
>low beams (i.e. - leave it on all the time + not p*ss off other drivers) ?
>dont really care about cost, but cheaper is always nice!

I was pleased with my Hella XL's, when I had them on the front of my
5k.  According to my father they made the car "ugly as sin"; I
mounted them above-bumper, they'd probably look better under-bumper.
However, remember that the lower they are, the more they have to be
aimed up...

I think the total for the kit was about $100.  I would simply look up
Hella's website, see what they have in terms of driving lights.  I'm
sure the XL has been superceded by a better design now; that was
almost 5+ years ago when I bought those.  Just steer clear of goofy
di-whatevered lenses/bulbs/reflectors etc :-)

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin
http://www.users.cloud9.net/~brett/bdikeman.asc	(PGP Public Key)

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