Exhaust manifolds, MC1/MC2/KH/UR-Q

Mihnea Cotet mik at info.fundp.ac.be
Tue Dec 18 08:33:11 EST 2001

At 02:14 18/12/2001 -0500, Ameer Antar wrote:
>I agree w/ you that turbo support is very important, so how can 5kT/200
>owners support their turbos? Where does Audi support it in the later models?
>I'd assume I could apply a little of Audi's design on the later models to my
>own...Should there be a support attahced to the hot or cold side? Which
>bolts to use on the turbo? The bolts to the bearing housing? Not sure where
>to bolt on to the frame or maybe block? Any pics or ideas would be helpful
>clearly to all 5kt/tq and 200 owners. Thanks.

I'd be very interested too to know how to support the turbo on a 10vt engine...
Thanks for any valuable input,


'85 -OOOO- Coupe quattro


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