Type-44: 200q cooling system flush/fill tips.

Marc Swanson marcswanson at mediaone.net
Wed Dec 19 16:21:23 EST 2001

> Fellow type-44 sufferers,

well, no type $$ here, but maybe I can help?

> Just wanted to ask those out there for some cooling system maintenance
> tips for the 200q, being my 1st time flushing an I5.  Although I have a
> Bentley, usually its rather lacking in detail.
> I'd like to find out where the engine block's drain plug(s) are located,
> as well as the radiator's drain petcock, if any.
> Is there any special cautions or procedures regarding the after-run pump
> circuit?

Here's what I did for a full flush on my 4ktq:

- drain coolant
- disconnect top rad. hose
- remove t-stat
- open heater core valve all the way (not sure how to do this on the
electronic cc system)
- connect hose to t-stat housing (without t-stat installed) and divert hose
somewhere as not to make a mess
- connect garden hose to head filler neck
- blast away!

once the water comes out nice and clear you are done.  do the same with the
radiator separately to clean that out independant of the block.

> I plan to install a Prestone Flush Tee, use requisite garden hose to
> flush, and refill with phosphate-free Dexcool.

can't reccomend Dexcool.  It ate my shogun rubber impellers... so what else
does it eat?  Use audi spec "Autobahn" coolant if you can (the blue stuff).
Costs about $10 a gallon and you need exactly one at least on my type 85 and
type 89 after a full block flush and 50/50 mix with distilled.


87 4ktq
88 90q

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