Type-44: 200q cooling system flush/fill tips.
Brett Dikeman
brett at cloud9.net
Wed Dec 19 19:54:48 EST 2001
At 6:56 PM -0500 12/19/01, Marc Swanson wrote:
>Anyway, to answer that question just pull the hose on the radiator side that
>connects to the t-stat housing. That will drain almost all of the coolant
>out. The rest will come out when you pull the t-stat itself.
I'll have to check in the Bentley..I could swear there was more to
it, but then again, I've got the Odd One with the aux radiator and
all that wonderful extra stuff. If not, that's -fine- by me, I've
got to do my coolant sometime soon too :-) T-stat might need to get
replaced as well, TBB has been running a little too cool lately, and
I think it's sticking open. If it's not one thing(coolant boiling in
the head) its another. Zeesh. To make matters worse, Evans NPG+,
which I'm going to give a shot, requires -all- water be out of the
system. Blaaaaah.
>not to the block. No way a garden hose will damage anything by blasting at
>full power into the filler neck. By the time the water reaches the heater
>core it will not be packing nearly as big a wallup. When flushing the
>radiator you might want to use more caution of course.
Yeah, good point.
> > BTW Will, there are two schools of thought with the various radiator
>> flush solutions. One school says "don't, you'll cause leaks" and the
>> other school says "yes, do it, it cleans things up, and if it causes
>> a leak, well, that was going to leak anyway, just a matter of time."
>If you flush your radiator and it causes a leak you either hit it with WAY
>too much pressure or it was going to leak anyway (or already was?).
Oops...used the wrong words there. "Solutions" meant chemical
flushes, not methods/procedures for flushing the system :-)
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