power lock pump 4kq help

WAUFX at aol.com WAUFX at aol.com
Thu Dec 20 02:22:52 EST 2001

ok, i managed to test the pump without letting the + and - leads touch...
(which was
the cause of the green spark).


the pump runs every time i make it locks the locks and some of the time when
i make the locks unlock (by jumpering) i hooked up the pump to the vacuum
line and to the electrical connection on the car. tried to lock the locks.
nothing. i then disconnected the electrical part,
but left the vacuum line on and was able to run the pump to lock and unlock
doors many times.

however...it runs every time i try to lock, but not every time i try to
unlock, just
like when it was not connected to a vacuum line at all. (by jumpering, not
connected to cars electrical system).

does this sound like a combination of bad wiring in the car and a flaky pump?
the pump will not run at all with the electrical connector hooked up, but
will run
almost always by jumpering it, that is where i conclude the wiring is shot
somewhere in the car. but then the pump is flaky since there are a few times
it will not
run in the unlock function. i know that it will shut off after x amount of
vacuum builds up.but even after i run
the lock function (by jumpering) until it shuts off from the vacuum buildup
there should be no vacuum  in the unlock function now, the other direction),
sometimes, though rarely, the unlock function wont run at all, which makes me
this part of the pump is intermittant. how often does the relay for this go
bad? where
does the wiring usually break? any BTDTs? all help is greatly appreciated.


WAUFX at aol.com wrote:

  ok folks-

  after a night of absolute nightmarish nonsense with door handles and truck
  shocks and power locks, i have, sitting in front on me, the power lock pump
  for my 86 4kq.

  now. the stupid part.

  how in the holy hell do i test this thing? i have wires running from my
  battery booster pac, one from + one from -, obviously. now on the back of
  pump, there are 3 male things sticking out from the electrical connector
  part. as you can see in the picture at
  http://www.uvm.edu/~mkbigelo/powerpump.JPG (note the capitals in JPG), there
  are the 3 connections. in relation to how the pump is positioned in that
  picture, which one do i touch the + wire to and which one gets the ground
  which one get nothing?

  i tried a whole bunch of different combinations and got a green spark when i
  put the ground on 2 and the hot on 3, the connections being numbered 1, 2,
  and 3 from left to right as seen in the picture. and nothing anywhere else.

  thanks audifans...


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