Strange Battery Drain

Jim Green jeg1976 at
Thu Dec 20 11:30:00 EST 2001

--- "Lundy, Andrew" <lundy at> wrote:
> Drawing voltage??  You're joking right??
> ---
> Andrew Lundy
> 90 80q
> 99 A6q
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Arthur, Keith
> [mailto:Arthur_K at]
> Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2001 9:28 AM
> To: 'quattro at'
> Subject: Strange Battery Drain
> Hello,
> My 1991 90 is acting up and I was dumb enough to
> leave the Bentley at
> school.  The fat red wire that is bolted onto the
> top of the positive
> terminal with a 10mm bolt is drawing 12V's with the
> ignition off.  I guess
> this either goes to the starter or alternator.
> Could someone confirm which
> it goes too and what could cause this voltage drain?
> Thanks,
> Keith

Well, if your not joking, here's the deal with
electricity.  You are going to always have a voltage
across that big red wire, and anything else that's
grounded in the car.  That's good.  The voltage
doesn't drain any power, you want to measure current.
 If you are testing for battery drain, take the lead
off the battery, and put your meter in between the
lead and the battery post.  Make sure it is set to
milliamps.  You should see a very small amount of
drain just to keep stuff like the clock and radio

Jim Green
'89 90tq EFI

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