drivetrain play/wear

Aaron Ryba aaronryba at
Thu Dec 20 11:48:29 EST 2001

In my attempts to restore my 87 4kcsq to at least
factory conditions I am now turning to the drivetrain.

Somewhere in the drivetrain, there are worn parts
which cause a noticable play in the drivetrain.  The
familiar knock noise comes from the rear of the car at
the points of throttle repsonse, however the front
does not seem to pull forward before this happens.
Where is the wear?

Since I have been concentraiting on engine repair up
to this point i have not had the chance to inspect the
drivetrain and feel around for the play on specific
drive-train componants.

I would appreciate any information of diagnosis and
repair on this common problem.
I had a very similar problem on my 83 Toyota Celica
GTS with IRS and most of the problem was actually due
to the rear diff housing becoming loose from it's
mountings. However the celica had 180k miles and my
audi only has 103k.
Any similar experiences with audis?

Replys are much appriciated

Aaron Ryba

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