90q missing on cyl 5...ideas?

Dave Hord spokes at mail.the-wire.com
Fri Dec 21 09:28:03 EST 2001

Well, fell asleep reading bentley last night...best goodnight story there is...

Anyways, obviously I've spent too much time doing japanese injection stuff
lately, and ahve never played with CIS-III! As Huw pointed out...there's
nothing electrical about my injectors!

Okay, so the probable causes I have recieved so far (thanks guys), in the order
I intend to test/replace is:

1) poor contact between coil and cap
2) Low voltage wires going into distributor
3a) bad distributor cap
3b) bad rotor
3c) bad plug wire
4) clogged injector
5) Bad plug (already replaced the plug...just in case)

I did notice something this morning I forgot to put in the original post..could
be quite important..

Car STARTS and IDLES fine until engine is warm...then the action starts. This
morning it was 3 degrees below freezing...car ran normally for 3-5min while I
scraped off the car and such..then, it started to miss on cyl 5.

The question that bothers me...is why would it start and idle fine in the
beginning...if any of the above are causing the problem...shouldn't a bad plug
wire (for instance) be a problem _all_ the time?


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