90q missing on cyl 5...ideas?

Dave Hord spokes at mail.the-wire.com
Fri Dec 21 12:31:27 EST 2001


A little more info...as people are suggesting things I'm thinking of things
already checked.

Did the darkness test (looking and hearing for arcing).  It all checks out okay.

I'll have to check my book, but I replaced wires, cap and rotor just under one
year ago (guessing about 40,000km).

I'm not 100% sure how the car runs cold, ie if I just start it and drive
off...as the problem has only started halfway home through a one hour
trip...when it snows.

Weather is dry and above freezing now.  Just drove the car for 2 hours.
Perfectly fine.

So I guess we can all agree it's electrical in nature...now where to start?

As per Doyt's suggestion, I checked the wire from the coil to the cap.  All
connections were clean and tight.

I then checked the low voltage wires to the dizzy.  Now here it seems to get
interesting. The connector and the rubber boot all appear to be in great shape
(will inspect further at home, as I'm in my collared shirt and work-casual
wear!).  The whole UNIT (connector, boot and plastic mount?) MOVE however!

I'm going to take a digital picture of it later in the afternoon, and post it
so that I can show how it moves.

Perhaps someone could pop their hood at lunch and wiggle the low voltage wires
going into their distributor...any movement...or is it solid?


89 90q  300,000km!!!!!!!!

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