Type 44 eyebrow dash slider switch

Tom Nas tnas at euronet.nl
Mon Dec 24 19:05:46 EST 2001

"Phil Payne" <quattro at isham-research.com> wrote:

>First of all - 'appy festive season, whatever form it takes for you.

The same to you and all readers of this posting.

>There are actually six positions:
>RW Diesel
>US Diesel
>EG Diesel
>RW Benzin
>US Benzin
>EG Benzin
>I thing RW means 'Rest der Welt' - rest of the world, US is the USA,
>and EG is 'Europaeische Gemeinschaft' - the German name for the EU.
>Mine was set on 'RW Benzin'.  I think this is right because although
>the UK _is_ an EU member, it's the only one still using miles instead
>of kilometres.  The US uses miles too, but has a different gallon.  I
>wonder if some US listers reporting grossly erroneous MPG figures have
>got the switch on 'RW' instead of 'US'?

I've been fiddling with this switch on my type 89, and I've not gotten it
to perform other tricks than to display the Autocheck messages in different
languages- 'Bremslicht' gets replaced by 'Brake light' or just the symbol.
You could very well be right about the US vs UK MPG thing, though.


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