type 44 windshield prices

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 26 20:45:26 EST 2001

I have an Arva (Pilkington) made in Finland in my
200q.  Obviously a replacement, although I have no
idea how old it is.  It is quite durable WRT cracking,
but is pretty throughly sandblasted.  It's really only
a problem in direct sunlight and moreso in
bright(misaligned) headlights when it's raining.

Jim Accordino
time for a new windsheild

--- Chris Dyer <chrisdyer at hotmail.com> wrote:
> 14 years of pitting & scratching (& a worthless
> Eastwood windshield
> polishing kit) has rendered my windshield downright
> dangerous.  I've decided
> to bite the grande uno and buy a new one.  Anyone
> done this recently who can
> give my prices? (I'm planning on calling the local
> Audi dealers and seeing
> who they recommend.)
> t.i.a.
> from chrisdyer at hotmail.com
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