type 44 windshield prices

Steve Sherman spsherm at attglobal.net
Thu Dec 27 11:25:11 EST 2001

I recently had my 87 TQW windshield done.  What I found in the Denver
area was that there is a great range of prices, from $700+ down to
$270.  Most were using aftermarket glass, and that is what I went with,
not a perfect fit in that there was a spot or two that required a bit of
caulk to fill in (might have been the gasket kit too and I am a
perfectionist).  Otherwise, it seems great; it's nice to be able to see

Out here one needs new glass every 3 years or less, so aftermarket
seemed to be the way to go. I would check around, as it seemed to me
that pretty much everyone is offering the same glass, and the difference
in price is primarily what they can get away with.  Also it helps to
mention that you're paying out of pocket, not insurance...

Good Luck.

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