BBBurban at aol.com BBBurban at aol.com
Fri Dec 28 02:42:23 EST 2001

In a message dated 12/27/01 2:41:05 AM Eastern Standard Time, WAUFX at aol.com

 ps-it shall be noted that, although bringing Gojo Orange into the shower to
 your hands clean after getting frostbite in the garage working on your 1986
 POS is not an entirely bad idea, using it on your face as an exfoliator will
 produce a rather unpleasant burning sensation.

 thanks, the mgmt.
 If you happen to be out of the sweet Orange Gojo and still need to get clean
toothpaste will work almost as well.  As far as a facial exfoliator I don't
know if it burns or not (pleasantly or otherwise).  Buyer beware.

Hank 90q20v

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