Exhaust manifolds, MC1/MC2/KH/UR-Q

ScottyCBoy at aol.com ScottyCBoy at aol.com
Fri Dec 28 11:21:38 EST 2001

Okay lt me restate this...

The multi piece exhaust manifold is available as a new part only!! It was never installed from the factory. If it was on a car in a yard it was put on by the owner or by a dealer under warranty.


In a message dated Fri, 28 Dec 2001  9:26:34 AM Eastern Standard Time, "Phil Payne" <quattro at isham-research.com> writes:

> > I've been learning about this a little.  I guess the
> > only car that actually came with the two piece, which
> > is supposed to flow the best, was the '91 200 fwd.
> > Any others that might have them were lucky enough to
> > get in on a factory recall or something.  Basically,
> > if your trying to find a two-piece in a junkyard, it's
> > going to be very hard.  I think all the others are
> > real similar.
> Not in the UK.  No 2-parts were fitted by the factory.
> --
>   Phil Payne
>   http://www.isham-research.com/quattro
>   +44 7785 302 803
>   +49 173 6242039

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