odd 2113 behavior, '89 200q, MC1
james accordino
ssgacc at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 28 15:42:54 EST 2001
Gee Phil, did YOU have an alarm installed with
Scotchlocks TM? That was the first thing I did with
my 200. Ripped all that sh*t out and threw it in the
dumper. Exactly as you said, corrosion at all the
connectors under the hood and other problems as well.
This thing was installed by a monkeylad at best or
just some imbecile. Not only didn't it work, it
caused alot of other faults and disabled the factory
alarm(which I think is quite good). Wire nuts might
be a close second as far as having no place in an
Jim Accordino
> A typical connector fault. Also quite often a poor
> alarm
> installation - ScotchLoks have no place on a car and
> place on a car outside the passenger cell - they
> make contact by
> cutting through the insulation and exposing the wire
> inside to
> corrosion, and in many cases they damage the wire
> itself, reducing its
> diameter and providing a local 'fulcrum' for fatigue
> breaks to occur
> on.
> --
> Phil Payne
> http://www.isham-research.com/quattro
> +44 7785 302 803
> +49 173 6242039
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