Chilly Weather Trouble

Rave Racer Ravewar at
Sat Dec 29 04:57:40 EST 2001

    This could be caused by a number of problems.  It could be as simple as
water in the gas which freezes and temporarily plugs up the filter, or as
complicated and difficult to diagnose as bad plugs, wires, or cap and rotor.
It could be a cut wire from an oxy sensor (check the one on the Cat) or a
short in the ignition.  It might even be a bad coil (I've seen them do some
wierd stuff when they start to go).  Check the screws in the Throttle body
(probably not the problem) and also the ones on the fuel distributor.  My
Jetta swallowed a spring from mine.... not good.  I'm not certain about
this, but there might be a choke system in the fuel somewhere.  It might be
integrated into the TB though, I'm not sure.  If it feels like it's only
running on 4 cyl, and kinda drowns out above and below a certain RPM, I
would check those oxy sensors.

    Pete  <-- not a mechanic, just an AUDI owner

       Rave Racer
'89 Jetta 1.8L 16V GTX
'87 Audi 4000 Quattro Sedan
'72 Triumph GT6
'83 Toyota Tercel (yoda)     Possible future Sandrail donor...  Maybe

----- Original Message -----
From: CharlesB <BoehmCh at>
To: <quattro at>
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2001 5:08 PM
Subject: Chilly Weather Trouble


My mechanic is having a bit of a problem locating the source of a cold
weather (<40 Deg F) problem with my  '87 4kcsq with 100k+ miles. When
cold it starts ok, but shifting from 1st to 2nd then to 3rd it feels as
if its not getting gas (sputters). After its warmed all is fine. It's
like the fuel filter is clogging with some 'bad' gas. That of course has
been replaced.

Anyone have some ideas?

Chas Boehm '87 4kcsq

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