tires for 4kq

Larry C Leung l.leung at
Sun Dec 30 11:06:17 EST 2001

I'd concur with that.  With the exception of the monster size (okay,
maybe not "monster") GT-CS Eagles, the rest of the line has gone to crap.
I particularly have a nickname for one of the series, mostly found as
OEM, having BTDT driving these, the only thing I can say is Eagle
GAaaaaaaaaaaah! Can't stop, turn or transition! Fortunately, they don't
seem to last either! No wonder why Goodyear abandoned F1. BTW, the NCT
and NCT2 weren't EXACTLY the same as the Eagle HR, tho I don't really
recall what the differences were (perhaps the NCT's were V-rated?). I do
know at the time, you could get either the GT or the NCT, the NCT being
slightly more expensive. I do recall that they claimed that the NCT was a
European tire, the GT was domestic. AFAIR, the opinion (don't recall any
head to head tests) was that the NCT performed SLIGHTLY better.


On Sat, 29 Dec 2001 19:00:30 +0100 Tom Nas <tnas at> writes:
>Larry C Leung <l.leung at> wrote:
>>Oh, I dunno. I had the original equipment Goodyear Eagle GT HR (no 4,
>>GA, no anything else) on my new A2 GTi ('85). VWoA apparently had
>>commissioned Goodyear to design the tire for the car (as is often
>>for new design vehicles). I thought that they were quite exceptional
>>tires on the car, both dry and wet (I had separate snows, I lived in
>>snowbelt of NY then), the only thing that was rather poor about them
>>that they could barely make 18K miles....
>I second that. The Ronal R8 ET35s I bought about a year ago had
>NCT2s on two of them. Excellent tyres, made the car feel like it ran
>rails. Low noise, great in wet and dry.
>I've been told they don't make 'em like that anymore. Shame.

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