pics of cibies vs. hella h1/h4's?

Craig Lebakken lebakken at
Thu Feb 1 09:20:45 EST 2001

Marc Swanson wrote:

"The Cibie lenses ARE replacable.. that's why I bought them"

As far as I know, the Hellas are replacable also. In fact, I
detached the lens to not only put a thin film of clear
silicone to augment the existing seal, but also to deliver
to Stongard to use as a template for this lens design, as
they had yet to encounter a request for their product for
this lens. I would imagine that this new application from
Stongard would fit the Cibie lights as well, and I heartily
recommend them. The clear protective film has kept my lights
perfect for three years, and shows no loss of clarity by
fogging or abrasion, despite bthe car being parked out doors
for most of the last two winters here in the rainy Pacific

I also seem to have better luck with Hella than Cibie. There
are two cracked (unprotected) H4's on my Scirocco at this
moment, and I have cracked every Cibie I have ever bought.
The Hella H4's on my 1972 truck came into my possession in
1983 when my wife (then girlfriend) traded in her 1977 Gold
Superbeetle on another Scirocco. I took them off to put on
my Rabbit. I then took them off the Rabbit when I gave it to
my brother, and put them on a truck I have since sold. I
took them off of that truck and moved them to my current
one. I would say that these have driven about 200K
unprotected miles. Though pitted, the reflectors are still
excellent, as well as their performance. I think that Hella
has a better light cut off as well. About all I will give
Cibie is that they look a little more "Euro".

A little more than the two cents I was originally going to

Craig Lebakken
1986 4KQ Hella H4/H1 90W/100W//100W And then there was

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