to patch or...

Tihol Tiholov ttiholov at
Fri Feb 2 10:56:30 EST 2001

l.leung at wrote:

>It works exceeding well. Only in extreme conditions (like there being no
>internal air pressure, or exceeding stiff sidewalls such as trailer
>tires) does this begin to be a little less proportional.

So, to paraphrase: It works exceedingly well, except when it doesn't work

then he wrote:
>It's a
>straightforward application of physics.

If physics was enough to build something, the engineers wouldn't 
study other applicable/practical disciplines and wouldn't need to 
experiment a lot; not to mention that all tires would be made of more 
or less the same material, so one company would hire chemistry 
specialists, the rest - industrial spies :-)

All knowledge is a bunch of relative truths and I thought that the 
conquest for an absolute truth has at least subsided as of late, 
despite the hope that it can make our lives nice and simple...

Anyway, I don't know the whole truth either
Have a good weekend yeall!


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