Rally fans (NAC)

Richard Beels beels at technologist.com
Sat Feb 3 00:47:00 EST 2001

So everyone can see.  I believe there's a Q in there or 2.  No Supra but 
that's a whole other story (400HP, rwd, ice, nuff said).


At 18:00 2/2/2001,  Tihol Tiholov was inspired to say:
>To anyone here, who's also on Rally-l:  Do you have the E-mail with short 
>SnoDrift 2001 videos (most under 1 meg) someone posted yesterday or 
>today?  I'd appreciate it, if you can send it to me off list.

	Team No Trees
	#55 - 1997 Toyota Supra - Group 5
	SCCA ProRally http://www.sccaprorally.org

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