100 Q w/ 2.8 V6

Jukka Majanen jiipm at sci.fi
Sat Feb 3 18:50:25 EST 2001

Per hi,

Thanks for Your response.

>> And... has anybody updated that N/A ´91-´95
>> 100Q to a 100 S4....big modifications???
>I've never heard of anyone replacing the engine this way, why do it? A
>'92 S4 is so cheap...

Well, here in Finland are the most expensive cars ( I think )
in the whole world, because of those taxes. So they are
expensive also, when used...:(

a good -92 100Q v6 is some 15-17k USD
a good -92 100 S4   is some 25-27k USD, el cheapo?

>it isnt worth the trouble if you ask me...

Is it a trouble? If it´s only the swap, that won´t be a problem.
1.5k USD and my own hands ;)

To register and get insured that modificated car, I have to 
prove that the body, suspension, brakes are or are made 
similar or even. That can be a PITA?

>Either go for the 2.8 or an S4. But if WANT to replace half the car, go
>for a 2.3 and go in.... :-) Dont get me wrong, but I wouldnt....

Ok, maybe 2.3 isn´t a good idea it´s only some 10% cheaper.
Also I really don´t have that extra 10k USD for a very rare S4.
But I know myself, after the first summer I don´t want to update 
the car -I need to do it...So I just wanna find as good base for
improvements as possible.

Anyway, I´ll drive with that v6 ( if purchased ) quite a long time,
maybe that mod never happens, so I´m very interested in that engine. 
Things what I´ve heard:

"It´s a real oil leaker and later also burner ( Per, as You said 2l/1000)
and generally bullsh.. Before putting my hands on that, just wanna 
know a little more, maybe it isn´t BS?

Also, can anybody tell me, where to get more info about
those two cars specs, to find differences between v6 and S4.
The local dealer -no way. At Audiworlds´site I found something,
but not enough.


j-pm  ´91 CQ 20v

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