Power Hungry Americans

Dave Conner conner at cfm.ohio-state.edu
Sun Feb 4 00:45:13 EST 2001

Well, Brett... I don't think it's a big deal.  For one thing there's no
place in this part of the world where a person could explore those limits
without a variety of serious risks.  The point (in case you missed it :-0 )
was that a person might have a long way to go to prevent a Maxima from
keeping up on the highway.
Dave C.
Columbus, Ohio

>>Taka wrote...
>>"I'm tired of having Nissan Maximas able to keep up with me on the highway."
>>One version of the Maxima is capable of 150 mph in stock form.
>>Dave C.

>Brett Dikeman	 writes...
>As is the 200q20v.  Big deal...like it matters.  Top speed is about 
>the most useless measure of a car's performance :-)

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