Power Hungry Americans

jzwahlen at cerrejon.com jzwahlen at cerrejon.com
Sun Feb 4 14:43:39 EST 2001

Thanks for the affirmation. I lived in Houston TX for 3
years and had to drive I-10 everyday. That's when you just
sit on the road and waste fuel. The rest of my life has
been spent in rural areas with open highways (but still not
as open as they used to be) that I love to drive.

Now I'm on assignment in Colombia SA, and my Porsche 968 is
in storage in St. Louis, I had to sell the '87 Audi 5000CS
TQ, and the '93 Audi 100CS, and we are driving a '99 VW Polo
Classic with 1.6L L-4. 

On Sun, 04 Feb 2001 11:25:49 -0500 (EST)
 "Andrew Buc" <abuc at attglobal.net> wrote:
> *This message was transferred with a trial version of
> CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
> On Sun, 04 Feb 2001 13:08:56 +0500, jzwahlen at cerrejon.com
> wrote:
> >The Big 3 actually advertised that their models were "a
> full
> >inch longer, than our competition"!  Hmmmm  Freudian,
> and a
> >subconscious attack on masculinity, don't you think?
> May
> >God help the US Male help himself.
> Some years ago a woman acquaintance of mine told me that
> her ex-husband
> was the kind of guy who just HAD to drag-race other
> drivers at almost
> every stoplight. This was part of a longer conversation
> that made him
> sound like an all-around jerk, but this statement was her
> way of
> summing him up. And yep, she said he'd had sexual
> problems.
> >It really gripes me in the US
> >when people start to bitch about high gas prices.
> And when they refuse to support public transit. Don't
> people realize
> that even if they don't ride transit themselves, every
> rider on transit
> means less-clogged roads for them?

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