83' UrQ Oil Pan

Huw Powell audi at mediaone.net
Mon Feb 5 12:45:27 EST 2001

audi90sq at yahoo.com wrote:
> Tried to do an oil change on the "new" UrQ this
> weekend and discovered a little "detail" I had missed
> when I purchased the car.  The is a RUBBER PLUG where
> the oil drain plug should be!   Threads are all
> stripped to hell!   What kinds of oil pans fit the WX
> engine?  Will one from an 87' 5000 Turbo work?  If
> not, does anybody have a line on a reasonable used oil
> pan that will fit my car?  Thanks.

it appears there are two oil pans for the 5 cyl (not counting the cast
S-ones).  the big cars get one and the little cars get another - the
difference is a "dent" in the one for the little cars
(4000/coupe/UrQ?/80/90) where the radiator and A/C get close to the
engine.  New pans are about $60 or so at the dealer last I looked.

Huw Powell



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