fan kicks in late!!!!'90/ 90

BRIAN O'NEILL briano_72 at
Mon Feb 5 18:45:00 EST 2001

drivers side, front of motor,right below valve cover.
the ever so popular multifunction switch. does your
dash guage work all the time, this controls that too.
or it might be the temp sensor in the rad, bolted into
it on the drivers side also.
                                    brian o'
93 90 cs
90 80
88 944 turbo s (for sale)
--- AztecMistic at wrote:
> Hey ALL! i got a nagging prob. fan kicks in late, my
> question is 
> where is the temp switch that controls the fan on a
> '90 90 (not quatrro)
> any ideas would save me a head gasket job in the
> future. I checked
> the low fan fuse..thanks

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