Indy listers?

Chris Semple - Force 5 Automotive chris at
Mon Feb 5 22:06:51 EST 2001

Greetings all! I've been sideswiped by a mechanical failure enroute to Steamboat, CO. My tow/work van has had a motor expire on me, and Stott Hare and myself have been hunting options here in Indy since Sat AM. After a 6900$ estimate from a Ford dealer, I've just about settled into a motor job from an independant shop for less than half the dealer estimate. It'll hurt, just for less time, and keep us enroute to our western deliveries. I'm looking forward to reports on the event from the fortunate attendees.

So, looks like we'll be hanging in Indy until Friday. Any Qlisters in the east Indy area want to commiserate and/or take a spin in a barely legal 4000tq? Dinner suggestions other than KFC?  We've offloaded it from the trailer to have transport in town, but the temp reg may only be good for another couple days! And to add insult to injury, we hear it's snowing feet back home in NH, arghh!

And to the guys in CO, WI, MN, we're still coming, just running a little late!

Chris Semple
'93 E350 w/grumpy 5.8L
   '84 4000tq Lightweight, looking for snow.
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