85 CGT suddenly cutting out

DGraber460 at aol.com DGraber460 at aol.com
Mon Feb 5 23:23:33 EST 2001

In a message dated 2/5/2001 8:16:27 PM Mountain Standard Time, 
marriott at micron.net writes:

<< With the car running (though poorly), pull the "spare" fuse on
 the left side of the fuse box, or disconnect the two-pin
 connector on the fuel injection just aft of the right headlight.
 Runs better? Likely it's the temp sender on the bottom of the
 neck. Pulling the fuse kills the FI computer, and the car runs
 strictly mechanical. >>
Sure enough, the fuse pull smoothed it out. Not perfect, but much better.
Do those temp senders go from "on" to "off" that quickly?
You just kept this day from being a strike 3 kind of day. THANKS!


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