85 CGT suddenly cutting out

DGraber460 at aol.com DGraber460 at aol.com
Tue Feb 6 00:47:42 EST 2001

In a message dated 2/5/2001 9:50:00 PM Mountain Standard Time, 
marriott at micron.net writes:

<< Mine took its first-ever/fatal sh*t in the hospital parking lot
 the day my son was born. Drove for about a week with it running
 crappy, extra (raw) fuel killed the cat. Diagnosis: sensor, $22,
 about 2 minutes to R&R (just let 4 oz of coolant leak out). >>
I just replaced the sensor with a spare I had, and no change; fuse out OK, 
fuse in acts like timing is way out. FWIW timing marks all line up, and 
timing is spec.
Now where do I look?


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