
Rave Racer Ravewar at
Tue Feb 6 06:30:55 EST 2001

> >Ahhhhh..... eloquent as ever! I wholeheartedly concur and wish to second
> >that emotion!
> >
> >Joie de vivre!
> And I second that one, Peter!  Lezze le bon temps rollez!  (Probably
> mis-spelled, for which I apologize to all francophiles and other
> persons of any other persuasion.  Mea Culpa, as it were...)
> yer kindly ol' Unka Bart

        Appology accepted, although my french is more Parisien (which is
unheard of in Canada where the norm is Quebecois "back woods" french), Zo Ay
don't zink we'd zay it like zis, Do my akzent iz not zo goood.

                                             RR   "Carpeing" the first
"Diem" worth "Carpeing"

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