Re; Broken stud bolt removal......

Frederick Smith smitty at
Tue Feb 6 16:17:04 EST 2001

The latest thread, regarding broken stud removal had me thinking about
something an automobile machinest friend demonstrated to me on a visit
to his shop. Since he sees quite a few broken studs in cylinder heads,I
asked him what method he used. He produced a baseball size wad of 
paraffin and proceeded to show me his method.

He heats the area around the stud with a torch and then simply presses 
the parafin wad to the heated area. The paraffin migrates down the 
threads and, I swear to you,it comes out with little effort. Pliers, 
light taps with a small cape chisel, etc. The majority come out without
drilling. If I hadn't witnessed it I would consider it a form
of snake oil. I have tried it on a few occasions and it worked quite
well. I will admit the broken studs I removed were not of the 
"exhaust manifold in the car" type repairs, but it deserves a try. 
As always YMMV.


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