
Andrew Lundy fast928 at
Tue Feb 6 15:50:45 EST 2001

If you "upgrade" your car.  It's your responsibility to go to your insurance company and get a "Custom Equip. Rider".  Without this it's a lost cause.  You might as well bend over.

You better do this right away with your other cars!!
Andrew Lundy
fast928 at
90 80q
91 90
95 90q
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Lloyd McClelland 
  To: quattro at 
  Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 3:07 PM
  Subject: Re: insurance

  Me too, Me too  I'm in the middle of the same thing with AAA on my 88 80Q, they offered 4475 with a buy back of $250, but that doesn't count the 6000 worth of upgrades and 1000 dollars worth of new parts in the garage, the up grades and parts they would give me $60 dollars for so if you find out anything please report it to the list... Lloyd in Eureka, with 3 other modified cars I'm afraid to drive, guess I'll buy a Accord ( stock off course)...

    -----Original Message-----
    From: JordanVw at <JordanVw at>
    To: polidori1 at <polidori1 at>; quattro at <quattro at>
    Date: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 12:52 PM
    Subject: Re: insurance

    In a message dated 2/6/01 3:31:45 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
    polidori1 at writes: 

      Any insurance 'experts' out there who can provide advice on my battle with 
      State Farm and their policy of paying 'market value' for a totalled '87 5TQ? 

    its a Lose lose situation.  my 5kT was totalled a few yrs ago, and state farm 
    wrote me a paltry check, hardly covered what i put into it in the past year.   
     best thing to do is buy it back and part it out. you will recoop alot of 
    your money. the buyback on my 5kt was only $80.  no kidding.   
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