[NAC] Trip to Atlanta

Patrick Austin paanta at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 7 10:52:18 EST 2001

Here's another suggestion:

Meet at F1-Boston (http://www.f1boston.com/).  I've never actually been
there, but have heard great things about it.  Boston-BMWCCA has a regular
kart season there.  They've got a restraunt, two 1000+ foot indoor kart
tracks, VERY quick karts (you have to wear a driving suit/helmet and you
have to get "licensed"), a good pool hall, and they're not located in a
particularly hard-to-navigate area.  The guy at the door owns an S4.

At 07:41 AM 2/7/01 -0800, mike mcclurg wrote:
>Just a suggestion, since Kansas is too far away to
>join you.
>How about finding a friendly dealer, if there is such
>a thing, and have a BBQ restuarant bring in sandwiches
>or similar. Split the tab and it will be cheaper than
>a restuarant.
>That way you have a quiet place, big car lot, lots of
>cars to look at, even brand new ones, someone brings
>the beer, a smart dealer knows he only has to pay for
>the lights to stay on a little longer to put his wares
>in front of a bunch of potential customers.
>Wish I could join you, however it turns out.

						Patrick Austin
						paanta at bu.edu

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