Was which Audi to buy: Now incesuousness

Lawrence C Leung l.leung at juno.com
Tue Feb 6 22:13:16 EST 2001

The 924 was originally intended to be marketed as a VW, ala, the
VW-Porsche 914. VeeDub backed out when it was determined that the car
would cost too much, then spent development money to come out with .....
the Scirocco, built on the A1 (Golf 1, or US Rabbit) platform, much
cheaper (for VW!).


On Tue, 06 Feb 2001 20:09:48 +0500 jzwahlen at cerrejon.com writes:
>The Audi-VW-Porsche connections are a long and proud
>history, that seemed to backfire mostly on Porsche for the
>VW inspired 914 and the Audi-engined and Audi-inspired 924.

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