1990 TQA waterpipe failure?
cobram at juno.com
cobram at juno.com
Thu Feb 8 00:33:23 EST 2001
Just wondering from fellow owners if you've ever had the metal water pipe
that runs along the side of the engine fail? The top of the OEM plastic
POS radiator blew apart at the top hose on the 200TQA (about as
surprising as a pentosin leak.) The all metal replacement from
http://www.discountradiators.com arrived today ($124, free shipping,
ordered on Monday), I'm also replacing the thermostat, all hoses, the
afterrun pump (was dripping a little), the heater core valve, and the
bushings. There is a little bit of rust on the outside of the metal
pipe, and it's a dealer only item ($45 from Mac at Clair), so I'm
wondering whether any listers have actually had this item fail. I'm
gravitating twords just leaving it there, $45 for a simple pipe.
Any and all advise appreciated.
Cobram at Juno.Com
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