spring get together

Chris Semple - Force 5 Automotive chris at force5auto.com
Thu Feb 8 16:31:39 EST 2001

----- Original Message -----
From: Kent McLean <kentmclean at mindspring.com>

> If you include NJ in "Northeast", then according to my DeLorme
> Street Atlas, Madawaska Maine to Boston is 369 miles as the crow
> flies, while Cape May NJ to Boston is only 312 miles.  To be really
> "central," we'd have to move it further north, to Clough State Park
> in Weare NH.

> Besides, we all know Boston is the Hub of the Universe. :-)
> Cheers,
> Kent McLean
> in Goffstown NH, next to Weare

Cool, Weare is 10mins from me:)  Either way, any NE location works for me,
I'll be there if possible.

Chris Semple
Concord NH, unless stuck in Indy

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