200Q fog lamps

Brett Dikeman quattro at brettd.dsl.speakeasy.net
Fri Feb 9 02:18:58 EST 2001

At 9:23 PM -0500 2/8/01, Calvin Krug wrote:
>This weekend, I plan on working on a pair of  fog lamps for my '89 
>200Q.  And, of course, I have a few questions for the list.  Did 
>Audi, in their infinite wisdom, make all of their cars with the fog 
>lamp wiring already in place?  I know some manufacturers do, just to 
>save tooling costs, I think.

Not with Audi, unfortunately.  Fog lights were a completely 
dealer-installed item.  Audi sees it as "extra wiring in X number of 
cars when only Y people will actually need it and we can bill them Z 
to install it in their car." :-)

>   If this is the case on the 200, where might I find the ends?  I 
>poked around under the hood for a few minutes when I got home, but 
>didn't see any stray plugs anywhere. And finally, I'm getting an OEM 
>switch, so where does it mount?

You need to buy a replacement switch for the rear fog light.  The 
dealer kit includes a dual position switch.  Top of the switch= 
fronts, bottom =both.

Don't let anyone fool you into thinking euros are acceptable 
replacements for fog lights in areas with regular heavy fog.  I've 
driven a 5000 with US, my 200 with US, my 200 with euros, and my 
mother's Volvo with fantastic headlights and fog lights; euro spec 
lights have -nothing- to do with it.  It's all in the position of the 
light source.  I hit some massive fog in my 200q20v with euros last 
summer and I couldn't see a damn thing.  The Volvo, on the other 
hand, is fantastic in fog once you flip on the fog lights(not to 
mention, it has one down-to-business rear fog light.)

Anyone else notice two 'spears' of light coming out the euro lights 
on turbo type44 lenses, in heavy fog?  Looks like you've got two 
flashlights, straight up but slightly out to the sides, duct-taped to 
the front corners of the car.  Weeeeird.

Brett Dikeman				Systems Engineer
ProAct Technologies Corporation		914-872-8043
(formerly CFN[formerly iClick, Inc])		914-872-8100(fax)
120 Bloomingdale Rd.			http://www.proacttechnologies.com
White Plains, NY 10605
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